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Fred Kopo, experienced instrument maker (Atelier Kopo founded in 1988 in Rennes), well recognized by his peers (chairman of the APLG since its foundation), has long since been concerned with the future of his trade due to the use of different species of wood.

In search of lasting and efficient solutions, he began to take an interest in composites from the 90s, carrying out numerous experiments, with carbon fiber in particular, accomplishing a obvious innovation when starting building his actual eco-composites guitars featuring a linen specific recipe named Klas ( Kopo linen acoustic solution ) !

With his progressive choice from the 2000s onward to favor non-tropical woods and eco-composites, Fred has radically developed and focused his instrument making around the acoustic.



Fred Kopo Guitars Catalog:

  • Acoustic Guitars - steel strings
  • Acoustic Guitars - nylon strings and archtop
  • Electro-Acoustic Guitars
  • Electric Guitars
  • Basses Guitar - Acoustic, Semi-acoustic & Electric Basses
  • Double-Bass, Violin and Cello
  • Other Strings Instruments - Mad Banjo, Cuatro, Electric Mandola.



Kopo Linen Acoustic Solution (K.L.A.S) - Kopo Lin Solution Acoustique

Klas is a high performance bio-composite material used mostly in instrument making. Its accoustic qualities are comparable to the best species of wood, such as maple, walnut, ash, mahogany, ... however it outperforms wood in terms of stability, due to its composite design, by method of infusion.

K.L.A.S., which stands for Kopo Linen Acoustic Solution (Kopo Lin Acoustique Solution), was designed with eco-responsibility in mind for the preservation of our wood resources. Its main compound is flax fiber, which today offers multiple applications making it an alternative to composite materials such as fiberglass and carbon.

Linen is already emerging as one of the materials of the future, in the sports industry in particular and in design crafts to name a few.

Ever conscious of ecological issues, Kopo sources flax fabric from one of the most renowned French producers, based in Normandy, which collects locally and transforms flax into multiple fabrics for composite uses.


Read the full description of the KLAS on the Kopo Guitars website:




Discover interviews & articles in the blog:




Membre de l'APLG (Association Professionnelle des Luthiers artisans en Guitare et autres cordes pincées)

Member of the APLG (Professional Association of Guitar and other plucked strings craftsmen)


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