William A Mackay Interview 9 Luthiers material investment to start The profession of Luthier is a trade that requires a significant material investment to start its activity. What would you advise a young luthier to buy to start? The minimum required? And, the maximum to be in a comfortable working environment? For anyone […]
Mad Guitars Interview 3 Advice for young luthiers Do you have any advice to give to future young luthiers? Can you give them advice on training courses? Do you know any specialized schools? « Go for it! Life is short! » For me, the Newark School of Violin Making has been […]
Mad Guitars Interview 3 Conseils aux jeunes luthiers As-tu des conseils à donner aux futurs jeunes luthiers en devenir ? Tu peux les faire bénéficier de conseils au niveau des formations ? Connais-tu des écoles spécialisées ? « Foncez ! La vie est trop courte ! » Pour moi, l’école de […]