Gerhard Schoepp Music Interview 2 Repairs restorations and maintenance Apart from creating custom instruments, we know that you do all types of repairs and maintenance on guitars and basses, can you also take care of other types of plucked and bowed stringed instruments? When I was a student at the school for […]
William A Mackay Interview 2 Repairs restorations and maintenance Apart from creating custom instruments, we know that you do all types of repairs and maintenance on bowed strings instruments, can you also take care of other types of plucked stringed instruments? I believe very much in trying to be a true luthier capable […]
Alkemy Guitares Interview 2 Réparations et entretiens Mise à part la création d’instruments sur mesure, nous savons que tu fais tous types de réparations et d’entretiens des guitares et basses, peux-tu également t’occuper d’autres types d’instruments à cordes pincées et frottées ? Je fais également les réglages et les “petites réparations” […]
Mad Guitars Interview 1 Background & Flagship models For those who don’t know you yet, can you tell us about your background? Did you attend a lutherie school? Did you follow a training with luthiers already installed ? Were you a musician before becoming a luthier? I’m a native of Reunion Island. […]
Mad Guitars Interview 1 Parcours & Modèles phares Pour celles et ceux qui ne te connaissent pas encore, peux-tu nous parler de ton parcours ? As-tu fait une école de lutherie ? As-tu suivi une formation auprès de luthiers déjà installé ? Je suis natif de l’Île de la Réunion, je joue […]
Daz Guitarz Interview 2 Repairs restorations and maintenance We know that you do all types of repairs and maintenance on guitars and basses, can you also take care of other types of plucked and bowed stringed instruments? Sometimes I have changed strings on a violin or put pickup sensors on a mandolin, […]