MacPherson Guitars Luthier Interview 1 Background Discover an interview with MacPherson Guitars in English. This interview is also available in French Vous pouvez également découvrir cette interview en français MacPherson Guitars Luthier – For those who don’t know you yet, can you tell us about your background? Did you go to […]
Kenneth Hill Guitar Luthier Interview 1 Background Kenneth Hill Guitar Luthier – For those who don’t know you yet, can you tell us about your background? Did you go to Luthiers school? Did you follow a training with already established Luthiers? And, if you don’t mind my asking, what did you do before […]
De Leeuw Guitars Luthier Interview 1 Background You can also discover this interview in English De Leeuw Guitars Luthier – Pour celles et ceux qui ne te connaissent pas encore, peux-tu nous parler de ton parcours ? As-tu fait une école de lutherie ? As-tu suivi une formation auprès de luthiers […]
Tasmanian Acoustic Tonewood Interview 6 How to buy For our professional Internet users who wish to order wood and your other products from your company, can you tell us how they should go about it? Do you have an e-commerce website so that customers can order and track the delivery of their purchases? How […]
Tasmanian Acoustic Tonewood Interview 5 Tonewoods Sets and Sizing Chart As we have just mentioned the instrument sets in our previous article, can you give us the list of the instrument sets you offer? For example: acoustic guitar set, electric guitar set, ukulele set, etc.? All of the above and anything acoustic […]
Tasmanian Acoustic Tonewood Interview 4 Manufacturing process For some of our Internet users who are not yet very familiar with the techniques related to your profession, can you explain us your complete manufacturing process. From the birth of a tree to the making of a set for an instrument? There are […]
Tasmanian Acoustic Tonewood Interview 3 Flagship productions Can you tell us about your flagship productions? What are the most common requests, and at the same time the rarest requests? Are you in a position to answer all types of requests for your luthier clients when they have custom model projects with rare or […]
Tasmanian Acoustic Tonewood Interview 2 Tonewood Can you tell us about different types of wood that are specific to your region? Are there particularities to your region or country in terms of production possibilities? Are you subject to special laws or production limitations each year? We’re very lucky in Tasmanian with […]