Jeff Lang Gear – Interview Artists and Luthiers Jeff Lang Gear – Interview Artists and Luthiers Can you show us your favorite luthiers, and the models they designed for you? I’ve had a long relationship with David Churchill, it must be around 30 years now that he’s made acoustic instruments for me. […]
Mark Knopfler and his Diamond Bottlenecks custom slides I would like to warmly thank Ian McWee, founder of Diamond Bottlenecks, as well as Mark Knopfler for the photos in this article. The photos where Mark Knopfler appears are extracted from the official video of the film “Mark Knopfler – Tracker – A Film By […]
Découvrez, dans une série d’articles, les histoires qui se cachent derrières Histoire n°1 23 avril 1987… Le jour où une passion est née… Dédicace « un peu spéciale » aujourd’hui pour tous les luthiers (et tous les autres…) qui m’ont donné envie de me battre au quotidien pour que la lutherie soit […]
Discover, in a series of articles, the stories behind Story #1 April 23rd, 1987… The day a passion was born… “A little special” dedication today for all the luthiers (and all the others…) who have made me want to fight on a daily basis for lutherie to be more and more present […]