Accordeo Interview 1 Background Accordions Accordeo Interview 1 Background Accordions – Could you tell us more about the history of the shop ? Is it a Family business ? Since when is it open ? and many people work in your shop ? I come from Germany and I made my education […]
Roadrunner Guitars Supersonic Fuzz For Sale In the category of blog posts: “Instruments for sale“, you will find the instruments of subscribers available for sale : either directly from the luthier or from their dealers. We remind you that our website does not manage in any case the sales of the instruments. […]
Mark Knopfler and his Diamond Bottlenecks custom slides I would like to warmly thank Ian McWee, founder of Diamond Bottlenecks, as well as Mark Knopfler for the photos in this article. The photos where Mark Knopfler appears are extracted from the official video of the film “Mark Knopfler – Tracker – A Film By […]
Mojo Box Guitars Interview Retrouvez cet interview en français ICI ID NAME : Pierre Marc Martelli NICK NAME: Péhème, Tonton, Le Marseillais, Gros, Pierro, etc… LIVING IN : Bayonne, France TRAINING & BACKGROUND : I learned lutherie by myself, over a period of 7-8 years between my first creations and the opening of my first workshop. PALYING […]
Guitares Martelli Interview You can read this interview in English HERE ID NOM : Pierre Marc Martelli SURNOM : Péhème, Tonton, Le Marseillais, Gros, Pierro, etc… ATELIER : Guitares Martelli à Bayonne, France FORMATION & BACKGROUND : J’ai appris la lutherie en autodidacte, sur une période de 7-8 ans entre mes premières réalisations et l’ouverture de […]
Mankato Guitars by Rosie Interview ID NAME: Rosanne Machado NICK NAME : Rosie Mankato LIVING IN : Curitiba, State of Paraná, Brazil TRAINING & BACKGROUND: UFPR, Leandro Mombach Lutherie Center at Parana’s Federal University (Class of 2016) PLAYING: Acoustic and Electric guitar and bass and a bit of everything! (I’m a music producer) LUTHIER YOU […]
FP Guitars by Flavio Poratelli Interview ID NAME: Flavio Poratelli NICK NAME : Liuteria FP LIVING IN : BOVISIO ITALY TRAINING & BACKGROUND: I am self-taught, I have followed various stages with established luthiers. PLAYING: Guitar LUTHIER YOU ADMIRE THE MOST: Matsuda INSTRUMENT YOU DREAM TO HAVE ONE DAY: Matsuda LAST ALBUM YOU BOUGHT : Gillian Welch […]
Van Solinge Guitars by Laura Van Solinge Interview ID NAME: Van Solinge Laura NICK NAME : Van Solinge Guitars LIVING IN : Totnes, United Kingdom TRAINING & BACKGROUND: I trained at the Totnes School of guitar making in Devon ( UK ), it’s a very special place surrounded by very special people. I’ve done three […]
On Guitars by Christoph Noe Interview ID NAME: Christoph Noe NICK NAME : Nö LIVING IN : Munich, Germany TRAINING & BACKGROUND: I studied graphic design and taught myself to build guitars PLAYING: Electric Bass and sometimes Guitar, Drums and Modular Synthesizer NAME OF YOUR HIGH SCHOOL BAND : Metal Socks (such an embarrassing name :D) […]
Hozen Guitars by Ho Zen Yong Interview ID NAME: Ho Zen Yong NICK NAME : Hozen LIVING IN : Singapore TRAINING & BACKGROUND: Basic Training done with UK luthier Chris Horton follow by advance lessons from Ervin Somogyi. Most of it is self-taught with no formal structured training. PLAYING: Piano. Not good ! 🙂 LUTHIER YOU ADMIRE […]
Gijs de Wit Guitars Interview ID NAME: Gijs de Wit LIVING IN : I live in Heerenveen, a town in the Northern part of the Netherlands in de province Friesland. TRAINING & BACKGROUND: I began my building carreer around 1980 , building/repairing and customizing electric guitars, my mentors were Anno Galama (known as the man […]