William A Mackay Double bass in the style of the English bass makers For Sale In the category of blog posts: “Instruments for sale“, you will find the instruments of Luthiers.com subscribers available for sale : either directly from the luthier or from their dealers. We remind you that our website Luthiers.com does not […]
William A Mackay Violin based on Guarnerius 1734 For Sale In the category of blog posts: “Instruments for sale“, you will find the instruments of Luthiers.com subscribers available for sale : either directly from the luthier or from their dealers. We remind you that our website Luthiers.com does not manage in any case the […]
Petko Petkov Interview 1 Tell us about your background? For those who don’t know you yet, can you tell us about your background? Did you go to Luthiers school? Did you follow a training with already established Luthiers? And, if you don’t mind my asking, what did you do before embarking on this adventure? […]
Daz Guitarz Interview 5 Weight of the Tuning Machines There is a huge selection of aftermarket parts. What impact can the weight of the Tuning Machines have when designing a guitar? The incidence will be obvious with the instrument in the upright position with a strap. If there is too much […]
Daz Guitarz Interview 4 ToneWoods Those who know you know that you are a great lover of beautiful ToneWoods. How do you help your customers to choose the woods of their future guitar matched to the sound they have in mind? Can you easily find ToneWoods in your networks? If so, can you […]
Daz Guitarz Interview 3 Flagship models Can you tell us about your current flagship models? Do you have a range that you do regularly? Do you also make unique custom models ? How did you proceed to create them ? What were your choices and your creation process? What kind of musicians do […]
Roadrunner Guitars Interview 3 Custom Made Guitar Pickups You are a big fan and collector of vintage pickups, we know your love and respect for the work of Paul Bigsby, can you tell us about your CAR pickups series? Yes it’s true, I’m a bit obsessed about microphones, their looks and sounds… […]
Daz Guitarz Interview 2 Repairs restorations and maintenance We know that you do all types of repairs and maintenance on guitars and basses, can you also take care of other types of plucked and bowed stringed instruments? Sometimes I have changed strings on a violin or put pickup sensors on a mandolin, […]
Roadrunner Guitars Interview 2 Custom Made Guitar Parts The people who follow you know that you create custom-made guitar parts. Recently we saw on social networks that you have created a series of bridges from aluminium blocks, can you explain how you manage to adjust the tuning which seems much less simple than […]
Petko Petkov Violins Guarnieri Vieuxtemps For Sale In the category of blog posts: “Instruments for sale“, you will find the instruments of Luthiers.com subscribers available for sale : either directly from the luthier or from their dealers. We remind you that our website Luthiers.com does not manage in any case the sales of the […]
Petko Petkov Violins Stradivari Cremonese For Sale In the category of blog posts: “Instruments for sale“, you will find the instruments of Luthiers.com subscribers available for sale : either directly from the luthier or from their dealers. We remind you that our website Luthiers.com does not manage in any case the sales of the […]
Découvrez, dans une série d’articles, les histoires qui se cachent derrières Luthiers.com Histoire n°1 23 avril 1987… Le jour où une passion est née… Dédicace « un peu spéciale » aujourd’hui pour tous les luthiers (et tous les autres…) qui m’ont donné envie de me battre au quotidien pour que la lutherie soit […]
Discover, in a series of articles, the stories behind Luthiers.com Story #1 April 23rd, 1987… The day a passion was born… “A little special” dedication today for all the luthiers (and all the others…) who have made me want to fight on a daily basis for lutherie to be more and more present […]