Luthier Hervé Berardet Osiris – Evolutions Retrouvez la version française de cet article : Luthier Hervé Berardet Osiris – Evolutions – Hello Hervé, following the evolution of Osiris, can you tell us what has changed in the year since its release ? As a reminder, let’s have a quick recap of […]
Urdiain Guitars by Nacho Urdiain Interview ID NAME: Nacho Urdiain, Urdiain Guitars NICK NAME : Nacho LIVING IN : Madrid, Spain TRAINING & BACKGROUND: I came from a Sound engineering career. I worked in Sound design since 2000. Then I began combining my sound jobs with repairing and modifying instruments around 12 years ago. First with […]
Jürss Guitars by Karl Jürss ID NAME: Karl Jürss NICK NAME : Kalle LIVING IN : Stockholm, Sweden TRAINING & BACKGROUND: Musikinstrumentakademien or “The Academy of Musical Instruments “in Stockholm PLAYING: When I sit down and play I usually play either the very first acoustic I built just for my own fun, or the most […]
Luthier Hervé Berardet Osiris – Ses évolutions You can also discover this article in English here: Luthier Hervé Berardet Osiris et ses évolution – Bonjour Hervé, suite aux évolutions d’Osiris, je reviens vers toi pour une interview. Peux-tu nous dire ce qui a changé depuis un an qu’elle est sortie ? […]
Hervé Berardet Luthier Interview 1 Background Hervé Berardet Luthier – For those who don’t know you yet, can you tell us about your background? Did you go to Luthiers school? Did you follow a training with already established Luthiers? And, if you don’t mind my asking, what did you do before embarking on […]
Vahe Mardirossian Interview ID NAME: VAHE MARDIROSSIAN NICK NAME : VAHE LIVING IN : LOS ANGELES, U.S.A TRAINING & BACKGROUND: Few different luthier shops as I traveled. PLAYING: Flamenco Guitar, Electric Guitar, and Latin percussion. LUTHIER YOU ADMIRE THE MOST: Antonio Torres, Miguel Rodriguez and Santos Hernandez. INSTRUMENT YOU DREAM TO HAVE ONE DAY: Antonio Torres […]
Adrien Bernard-Reymond Interview ID NAME: Adrien BERNARD-REYMOND LIVING IN : Ruffieux, Savoie, FRANCE TRAINING & BACKGROUND: After about 10 years in the graphic design / illustration world I turned to lutherie with zero experience in woodwork. I was trained by Pascal Cranga at l’Eesprit Du Bois luthery school in Cluny, Burgundy where I stayed for […]
Luthier Hervé Berardet Osiris Model Vous pouvez également découvrir cet article en français ici : Luthier Hervé Berardet Osiris Model – Hello Hervé, After having explained your career, can you tell us about your creations ? And in particular OSIRIS: Where does the idea come from? Where does the name come […]
Luthier Hervé Berardet Osiris Modèle You can also discover this article in English here: Luthier Hervé Berardet Osiris Modèle – Bonjour Hervé, après nous avoir expliqué ton parcours, peux-tu nous parler de tes créations ? Et en particulier d’OSIRIS : d’où vient l’idée ? d’où vient son nom ? Au […]
Frignani Lorenzo Liutaio Interview 1 Background Scopri un’intervista con Lorenzo Frignani in italiano. Questa intervista è disponibile anche in francese e inglese Vous pouvez également découvrir cette interview en français You can also discover this interview in English Frignani Lorenzo Liutaio -Per chi ancora non ti conosce, puoi raccontarci […]
Frignani Lorenzo Luthier Interview 1 Background Découvrez une interview de Lorenzo Frignani en français. Cette interview est également disponible en anglais et en italien Potete anche scoprire questa intervista in italiano You can also discover this interview in English Frignani Lorenzo Luthier – Pour celles et ceux qui ne […]
Maxime Baron Guitars Interview ID NAME: Maxime Baron NICK NAME : Max LIVING IN : Montréal, Québec, Canada TRAINING & BACKGROUND: Lutherie-Guitare Bruand & learned with Michel Pellerin PLAYING: I’ve got a Taylor GS Mini as my camping guitar. I’ve been trying to build one for myself for years. NAME OF YOUR HIGH SCHOOL BAND […]
Arima Guitars by Iker Rodriguez Interview ID NAME: Iker Rodriguez NICK NAME : Arima Guitars LIVING IN : Ortuella (Basque Country), Spain TRAINING & BACKGROUND: I studied lutherie at the BELE school (basque school of violin making) for four years, where I obtained a scholarship to work for six months with the luthier Mirko Borghino, in […]
Mini Clip-On Microphones for Acoustic Stringed Instruments Bartlett Audio If you want to convey the natural timbre of your instrument to your audience, these mics are for you ! All are hand-made in North Carolina, USA. They provide a beautiful acoustic sound, much better than a pickup. All have very good gain-before-feedback […]
VN Guitars Eric Delaite Luthier Guitares Interview 1 Background Vous pouvez également découvrir cette interview en français VN Guitars Eric Delaite Luthier – For those who don’t know you yet, can you tell us about your background? Did you go to a luthier school? Did you train with established luthiers? And, […]
Eric Delaite Luthier VN Guitares Interview 1 Background You can also discover this interview in English Eric Delaite Luthier – Pour celles et ceux qui ne te connaissent pas encore, peux-tu nous parler de ton parcours ? As-tu fait une école de lutherie ? As-tu suivi une formation auprès de luthiers […]